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Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer L'Aiguilleur
France Version française
Photos by - text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2024-06-25 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Before) 1898 to (After) 1898.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 2113

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer 

Charles Conquérant se présentait comme constructeur d'appareils photo (SGDG). On le trouve d'abord au 86, boulevard de Magenta, puis au 14, boulevard Poissonnière, toujours à Paris. C'est à cette seconde adresse qu'on trouve le Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer.
L'adresse ne donne pas la raison du "Pont de Fer".
En 1894, Conquérant, alors boulevard de Magenta, dépose sa marque en forme de Croix de Lorraine (La Lorraine, en partie, et l'Alsace sont allemandes depuis 1871), ainsi que la marque The Conqueror (Conquérant.. Conqueror).

La publicité de 1898 présente la gamme des appareils et donne l'adresse du Comptoir.


For 12 plates (9x12) with the "The Conqueror" Series H lens - Price: 85 francs.

New patented system for plate shifting, using a switch mechanism (editor’s note: which informs us about the origin of the camera’s name) that, when activated, ejects the first plate while simultaneously holding the next one in place. This system is the most perfect due to its simplicity, absolute reliability, and unwavering consistency, with no failures.

The construction is of the highest quality, with mechanical parts that are far superior in durability and precision to anything made to date. It will be highly appreciated by tourists who want to ensure they bring back photographs worthy of inclusion in the finest collections.

Its superior rectilinear lens, "The Conqueror," has long been ranked among the best brands. The camera is covered in extra morocco leather, with a handle and shoulder strap, two clear viewfinders, an automatic counter, finger and bulb release, iris diaphragms, and a variable speed shutter resistant to temperature changes. The focus is precisely adjusted from 2 meters to infinity.

(according to the 1898 Annuaire de la Photographie. This is a commercial presentation resembling a catalog excerpt)

Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer L'Aiguilleur

Cameras from Ebay France (Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer) (Uploaded each 3 hours)